Her passion and imagination was so vast and so wild, it came curling from the top of her head --Mari Fahel McKimzey br br~Themesongs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxzQa_Sv1IESB_A_-65PvR1xejnDc982c br~ https://gaelicinklingsncosplays.blogspot.com/ br~ https://www.deviantart.com/thegryphonwing br~ https://www.worldanvil.com/author/thegryphonwing br br Misty is a proud geek furry. But the most important thing about her is; she seeks the hidden face of God with a passion. A lover of culture, art, music, fantasy. She’s a professed child at heart. She aims to be a professional author, artist, musician, cosplayer. Her most ardent goal in her ministry is to bring out the modern-day maidens knights behind the shattered hearts. br brENFP/INFP. Ambivert. Furry Pride. Cat Mum. Ace Shieldmaiden. 7+-Year Recovery Warrior. Gamer. Onomatopoeian. Psychology Fitness Enthusiast. Manga/Anime/Furry Artist. Graphic Designer. Abstract Surrealist. Abrastract/Post Expressionist. Bookdragon. Authoress. Poet. World Builder. Blogger/Vlogger. Photographer. Music Lover. Cosplayer. br brCeltic Christian, Reformed Protestant, Reformed Anglican, Calvanist, Trinitarian, 6-literal-day Creationist, Ragamuffin br brLuceo Non Uro ✠, brArianna Joy Schaffer ☧ br(Mari Fahel McKimzey ⚔) br[Misty Aarin Donnhaidgh ?] br brPart Pemma br brPart Afaena br brHealer Warrioress br brHeritage Pride br brFull-time Dreamer br brLOADING .mjfm the Freaky Radical 100% ██████████ br br10% Free-spirited Child br20% Intellectual badass br30% Vocabulary Devourer br40% Socially Unacceptable br50% Studious Healer Warrior br60% Sweet-spice Ambiversion br70% Courageous Gryphon Wing br80% Ragamuffin Child-like Faith br90% Uniquely Intense Storyteller br100% MARI JOY FAHEL McKIMZEY br brEvery nation has an anthem. Every song begins unsung, unwritten, and silent, then all of a sudden it bursts out with melodies, choruses, and vocals! Our anthems are sung through the choices we make, the life we live, and the ways we act. Each verse is unsung until we make our choices, live our lives, and act our love, but the chorus is ever-constant, portraying the love of our King for His children and warriors, pilgriming to Heaven! -Mari Fahel McKimzey