June 4, 2021

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Tomorrow's the big day; I'll be at the state championship after two years have passed since my first time participating in Track & Field.

Hey there everyone, I'm going to leave today to particapate in States at Bath (https://www.google.com/maps/place/Edward+J+McMann+Outdoor+Athletic+Complex/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x4cad85a32cc100ab:0x7014b62347945a8a!8m2!3d43.9176763!4d-69.8320043?authuser=0hl=enrclk=1 ); wish me luck for that.

Also, I'll continue working on the vocals for Frozen Chance. I understand that I released the intstrumental version, but I still need to work on that.

Anyways, have a good day and good luck making some new fur friends.

Chardero The Lupe 3.6 yrs

Good luck buddy! 😊