FA Account Unbanned/Don't Worry, I got SoFurryBETA!

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I'll be Saving Goo Transformations in SoFurryBETA and Fur Affinity in the Future!

*sigh* I don't use SoFurry 2.0 Anymore, I got SoFurry BETA. SoFurryBETA says, Get the Hazel3/CuteVixen Out of SoFurryBETA! Look at this, Please Click the Link to SoFurryBETA. https://sofurrybeta.com/u/EmeraldiatheKitty well my Fur Affinity Account is unbanned because of the Attorney complies with Fur Affinity Admins to have a Cease and Desist Lawsuit about Harassment and Bullying with CuteVixen. We will have to Change Fur Affinity’s Username to Emeraldia-the-CattyKitty! Did you Know Why? Out with the SoFurry 2.0 in with the SoFurryBETA. In the Future, We will Post Goo Transformations also in FA and use Postybirb to post in SoFurryBETA. Any Last Words are SoFurry 2.0 has been Discontinued?
