Kuben Blisk, he is my second in command, but this was not always the case, for once we were enemies. it all started a few eons ago, when my mentor, and friend sacrificed his life to save mine (you may have heard of him, his name was Captain Tai Lastimosa). During the battle of typhon, <back when i was known as Jack Cooper> Kuben Blisk and his team of mercenaries, the Apex Predators, if you've heard about what happened on Typhon then you know why he was my enemy. Later on after the war was over and i had been remade into who i am now, I find blisk, kick his ass within an inch of his life, and remake him into a version of myself. ever since that day,he has fought by my side, as my brother in arms, and as my family. I wouldn't have it any other way.