4 yrs - Youtube
Me twenty-four seconds in: Yeah, that’s about right.

So for this #dailysong we’re looking towards another independent artist. Now, this has to be one of the most well-orchestrated songs I’ve ever heard. Why do I say that? Well, for one thing, it has no lyrics, so without good instrumentals the whole thing is caput. But seriously, this entire song from start to finish is so unique down to every individual note. What I mean is, the whole thing doesn’t repeat once. Now that’s not to say it doesn’t have certain sounds that pop up throughout and there is a steady track in the background but for the foreground, every single second is unique to what’s going on in the animation. After seeing this just a few times I am able to visualize the whole thing from start to finish off sound alone. How amazing is that!? The simple fact someone as tone-deaf as me can hear any part and know exactly what’s going on in the story being told is a testament to what’s going on. So anyway, go ahead and give “Middle School,” by Sven the Fenn a listen to and see if you can recognize what’s going on after a few listens.

(So this is normally where I put in lyrics, but I just spent the last 200 words explaining that it has none, so…. yeah.)
