A Furry Rail Enthusiast <br> <br>Information <br>Real Name: Richard Parker <br>Location: England, United Kingdom <br>Gender: Male <br>Languages: English (United Kingdom) <br>Fursona Species: Hedgehog <br>Nickname: Richard Hedgehog <br>Left/Right Handed: Left-handed <br>Favourite Genre of Music: Classical, Metal, Opera, Pop, Punk and Rock <br>Favourite Photographer: Richard Hedgehog (Myself) <br>Favourite Style of Art: Official Art of Sonic the Hedgehog <br>Browser of Choice: Mozilla Firefox <br>MP3 Player of Choice: SEGA Spex and SEGA Vision <br>Favourite Cartoon Character: Sonic the Hedgehog <br>Personal Quote: I thurst for destruction! ...And for a cup of tea. <br> <br>Other Websites <br>DeviantArt: boomsonic514.deviantart.com/ <br>FurryNetwork: furrynetwork.com/richardhedgehog/ <br>SoFurry: richard-hedgehog.sofurry.com <br>UKFur: forum.ukfur.org/profile/16700-richard-hedgehog/