Apparently I'd forgot that not only did curiousity kill the cat, it could also kill the bear. ;/ (Fortunately I came out of this with just a cuff on the snoot from the man. ;/)
Wanted a small snack this afternoon so I fixed myself a bit of a sundae. Who needs a Farrell's Zoo when you've got this! (For the young'uns who don't understand the reference, look it up. Google is your friend.;D)
I've seen several strange creatures in my time. An example is the time when I met this denizen of the planet Pokemon come to Earth to explore and find out about us Earthlings.
I love attending general science fiction shindigs. It allows me to spend time with my brother and sister anthros without anyone looking askance (after all, to them it's simply a group of costume characters meeting together).
Attended a mini science fiction convention today. There was costuming but the advantage of being a bear is that i could go as myself. Still got compliments, "hey, nice costume man!" Hoo! if only they'd known! ;D
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Living in United States
Located in Music Island
Just a friendly neighborhood grizzly bear that lives in the urban wilds.